Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Common struggles of single-parent households

There was time in the not too distant past when single-parent families were relatively few, but in recent decades, there has been a dramatic increase in this type of family arrangement due mainly to increasing family problems.

In a perfect world, children have a natural right to have two parents to care for and nurture them through to adulthood. But we don't live in a perfect world and through death or divorce, there is a marked increase in single parent families.

The reality is that most single parents are women and being a single mother, perhaps with multiple children, is a monumental task. A single parent has to juggle a host of responsibilities such as housework, finances, secular work, schooling and dealing with illness when it comes along. As a result, single parenthood can become a struggle.


As the only breadwinner in the home, the single parent will no doubt struggle financially, perhaps having to sacrifice things other families take for granted. It may involve having to live a very frugal life, denying the children some of the luxuries their peers enjoy as standard.


Even if the parent works secularly, this doesn't dispel the loneliness a single parent feels within the home. There may be children for company, but a single parent will still miss the companionship of a loving partner who can give support and assist with the children.


Behavioral problems with the children can become an issue as the children get older and the single parent has to deal with these alone. This can be overwhelming in the context of having to care for a multitude of other issues on a daily basis.


Taking care of the children's needs at school is another challenge for the single parent, having to be available for school visits, being home in time after school and dealing with any concerns arising for their children during school hours. When the children are absent from school due to illness, this can affect the single parent who is holding down a full-time job to support the household.


When illness strikes in the single parent household, this can be a tremendous struggle. Even more so if it's the parent who is ill. A parent struggling with poor health will still feel the need to get on with household matters depending on the age of the children. When the children are sick, it may require the parent to take time off work to care for them, bringing further financial hardship.

Being a single parent throws up some mountainous problems, and those who cope successfully with them are to be highly commended.

Source: JC Campbell (Helium)